Friday, April 10, 2015

Hi, are you still there?

Baiklah, mari kita mulai postingan ini. Yes, setelah terakhir blog entry tahun 2012 hahahahahaha! I know right? yep, motherhood is a handful task! (alesaaann) malam ini, disaat kebanyakan minum kopi di jam 7 malam, dan akibatnya browsing gak karuan dan been wondering, hmmm apa kabarnya yaaa blog ecek-ecek gw yang isinya gak penting inih ;p jadilah sign in dan tiba-tiba terbesit untuk mau aah nulis2 lagi iseng di blog (kalo ada waktu senggang hahahahaha), so that is it! starting tonight, I AM (NOT) going to dedicate one page a day in this blog, to share about my current daily activities. Ummm, at least I will try :)

Okay, to begin with, I will share on what has been happening to me for the past 3 (THREE) years! yeessss its been that loooooong. Well, a lot been happening, and I'll share in a chronological order (pleasee bear with me).

2012(April to December)-- Sepertinya terakhir posting di blog ini adalah bulan April 2012, setelah liburan keluarga singkat yang tanpa disadari sudah hamil si lil Adek Shatra, tiba-tiba semuanya blur hahaha termasuk lupa punya blog ini, karena Dimas dan gw kaget banget because its kinda too soon to expect the second bundle of joy! but then anak itu rejeki, makalah kita berusaha menjaga banget si adek, walaupun this second pregnancy was not as easy and as smooth as the first one. With Quorra everything was easy, from eating to walking to shopping :D but with adek, I've been hospitalized 3 times in total during the pregnancy (before the actual labor!) AND it was different because we have this very active soon to be toddler girl Quorra, which was then not even turning 1.

Juggling between keeping health and keeping the client happy at work, and in the same time entertain a very active baby girl, then, sorry to say I have to stop blogging (if you call my previous blogging tho' hahahaha). on June 2012, our Quorra turns 1 year old! We throw her a summer party at our house, although I didnt put any entry here, I was interested in more "mommy friendly" kinda blogging hahaha, so you can still check out how her party went here

Finally, on December 11, 2012 (it was so close to make it to become 121212, but I guess he's just cant wait), our warrior "Artachshatra Tjokroatmodjo" was born, we then decided to call him Shatra. Our family just getting bigger! Big sis Quorra was so happy, and so was the entire family. Alhamdullilah for this blessing.

2013 (January to June) -- between January to February I was still enjoying my maternity leave! a blessing time with adek Shatra. Which during that time also, papa Dimas was offered with a new job opportunity, which changed our life entirely! During our annual holiday that year, our family received a very good news, that is, papa Dimas got accepted to work for Google and we, as a family will need to move to Singapore. We were so excited, a new adventure a new journey in a new place. As for me, it was also a little bit confusing, why, because I was still working (7 years at that time) and expecting something also in my career. Obsesi seorang ibu bekerja, pinginnya punya karir yang sukses dan keluarga yang harmonis bahagia dan terurus hahahaha, so at that time, setelah didiskusikan dengan sang suami, diputuskan untuk we're going to try to make it work for both of us, so papa Dimas move to Singapore first, and we will gradually decide to move there next year (which is 2014). So then, I was making this delicate timeline to present it to my previous lady boss about my plan. Yes, I was still ambitious to make it work at the office until mid 2014 and will consider possible transfer to any law office in Singapore.

2013 (July to December) -- On July, we went to Singapore with papa to cheer him up for his first day as Googlers! and also as our home-finding trip. During that trip, we found our "HOME" in a green neighborhood of Bukit Timah. Then, after lebaran in August, papa Dimas went back to Singapore alone and we the "Three Musketers" stays in Jakarta. There, I tried to cope with the hustle bustle of being a mother/father, lawyer and what not. Bulan pertama anak-anak pisah sama papanya berlangsung lancaaarrr... memasuki bulan September, dimulailah drama-drama :( papa kangen anak-anak, anak-anak unbearable pingin sama papanya. There, during renungan lunchtime kembali dan kembali lagi muncul di pikiran that "family should stay together". Well ada yang berhasil keluarga pisah long distance, but I dont think its going to be me. There, just like that, gone all my ambitious, my clean timeline about career, and just one thing in mind: Family First.

Setelah curhat sana sini ;p konsultasi sana sini, dan makin ditekadkan, maka bulatlah sudah, ambisi dan motivasi sekarang adalah 2 lil angels! Quorra and Shatra, my everything, so then I tendered my resignation. Awal October, dengan perpisahan yang lebay di kantor, lengkap dengan segala derai air mata, Im so ready to embrace the new journey! Journey of forever motherhood... Lifetime dedication to my family.

Menikmati 3 bulan terakhir di tahun 2013 merasakan kayak turis tetap di Singapore, all the excitement living in a new country, there goes the times... its just feels like 5 minutes! hahahahaha saking sibuknya ya kan ngurusin semua sendiri ri ri ri hahahaha...

2014 (January to June) -- January 2014, Quorra start to attend new school at BlueHouse International. Meskipun baru 2 kali seminggu, tapi dia udah excited dan seneng banget. Kegiatan udah semakin seputar anter sekolah, dan attend baby class for adek Shatra. Bulan Juni, we throw special 3rd birthday party for kakak Quorra. Meskipun baru hitungan bulan, ngurus anak sendiri itu ada kepuasan batin yang luar biasa :) im not just saying, but take it from a was very ambitious lawyer, it is drained all your energy, but it filled your heart with joy! yes Joy!!!! kaka Quorra dan Adek Shatra were very helpful to me, mereka sama sekali tidak menyusahkan dan sangat kooperatif, makan pinter, mandiri dan tidak rewel, I am blessed.

2014 (June to December) -- Tahun 2014 adalah tahun dimana kita sebagai keluarga benar-benar menjalani kehidupan berkeluarga, unlike di Jakarta yang (tau sendiri kan persaudaraan orang Indonesia) yang selalu penuh dengan tetek bengek acara keluarga dan close close observation by your family), di Singapore its just the 4 of us, Dimas, Picha, Quorra and Shatra :) and we'were very happy to get to know each of our family even more! it was a year full of blessing. Then, on December 2014 only with papa Dimas we decided to go Umroh.

Lagi-lagi anak-anak sungguh manis, selama dititipin akung ati dan tianya di Jakarta, dan papa mama jadi bisa full beribadah. Alhamdullilah...

Present time! as for now, if you ask me who am I? I am Picha, a mother of 2, happily living as a full time guardian for my family :)

